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Recharge Details

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Phone number -
Network -
Amount NGN  0.00

Smart way to Pay

OneRecharge® is a One-Stop Value Added Service and Bill Payment platform available across Africa.

Introducing OneRecharge

OneRecharge® is a One-Stop Value Added Service and Bill Payment platform available across Africa

Simplified Bill Payment

Payments of electricity, water, tax bills can now be done in a secured and convenient way

Agent & Customers

We deliver flexible transactions between agent and customers thereby making it easy for agents and customers to grow thier business

Easy Top-Up

Top-up is done seamlessly and airtime is received instantly from any location without stress.

Access Anywhere

One Recharge is accessible anywhere and anytime via web, android and IOS devices

Full Support

Our Support team is available to help you anytime.

Highly Secured

Highest security standards to provide our customers optimum security without worries